May 2, 2018 in Animated

CGI Animated Short Film: “Eden Animated Short Film” by The Animation School | CGMeetup

CGI Animated Short Film: “Eden Animated Short Film” by The Animation School | CGMeetup

‘CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Eden Animated Short Film by The Animation School – Jessi Ochse, Wilmien Kotze, Vasco Mendes, Shaun Botha, Owen van Rooy, Conor Smith. Featured on EDEN Animated Short Film was produced by students in their final year of study at The Animation School. Credits: Jessi Ochse, Wilmien Kotze, Vasco Mendes, Shaun Botha, Owen van Rooy, Conor Smith. Sound: Aret Lambrechts Music: Arthur Feder WINNER NEW YORK FESTIVALS: AWARD: GOLD WORLD MEDAL CATEGORY: Best Student Film The Animation School SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content! Watch More CGI & VFX Animated Short

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