January 7, 2018 in Animated

CGI Animated Short Film “Ulysse” by Ulysse Team | CGMeetup

CGI Animated Short Film “Ulysse” by Ulysse Team | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film by MOPA – Hugo Bodoukian Meyrant, Martin Chabannes, Anne Labadie and Candice Theuillon. Featured on http://www.cgmeetup.net/home/ulysse-animated-shortfilm/ Ulysse short movie from Supinfocom Arles (now MOPA) http://www.ecole-mopa.fr/en/home/ directed by Hugo Bodoukian Meyrant, Martin Chabannes, Anne Labadie and Candice Theuillon. Original music by Sébastien Églème and Simon Tribault. Marion Tassou as lead singer. An oversized landfill… A bewitching song… Can you hear the call of the mermaid ? SELECTIONS AND AWARDS : * Sitges Festival (Spain – 2013) * Effet Stars Festival (France – 2014) * Sichuan Festival (China – 2013) * L’acharniere Festival (France – 2014) *

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