April 10, 2017 in Animated

CGI Animated Short Film HD “PolyWorld – Dusty Land Emperor Episode II” by Joan Borguñó | CGMeetup

CGI Animated Short Film HD “PolyWorld – Dusty Land Emperor Episode II” by Joan Borguñó | CGMeetup

CGI Animated PolyWorld Dusty Land Emperor Short Films by Joan Borguñó. Featured on http://www.cgmeetup.net/home/polyworld-short-films/ PolyWorld – The Wild in the Forest (Episode I) https://youtu.be/VPEF_97EL3w PolyWorld – Dusty Land Emperor (Episode II) https://youtu.be/eQiTp7X3dJo PolyWorld – The King in the North (Episode III) https://youtu.be/s39tS9ZcvCU PolyWorld – Dusty Land Emperor (Episode II) PolyWorld is a personal 3D animation project that tells the story of a low-poly-style world inhabited by different kind of living beings. There are three episodes in total. This second episode (Dusty Land Emperor) showcases the dangers that lurk under the calm and silent lands of the desert. “The powerful are

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April 10, 2017 in Animated

CGI Animated Short Film HD “PolyWorld – Dusty Land Emperor Episode II” by Joan Borguñó | CGMeetup

CGI Animated Short Film HD “PolyWorld – Dusty Land Emperor Episode II” by Joan Borguñó | CGMeetup

CGI Animated PolyWorld Dusty Land Emperor Short Films by Joan Borguñó. Featured on http://www.cgmeetup.net/home/polyworld-short-films/ PolyWorld – The Wild in the Forest (Episode I) https://youtu.be/VPEF_97EL3w PolyWorld – Dusty Land Emperor (Episode II) https://youtu.be/eQiTp7X3dJo PolyWorld – The King in the North (Episode III) https://youtu.be/s39tS9ZcvCU PolyWorld – Dusty Land Emperor (Episode II) PolyWorld is a personal 3D animation project that tells the story of a low-poly-style world inhabited by different kind of living beings. There are three episodes in total. This second episode (Dusty Land Emperor) showcases the dangers that lurk under the calm and silent lands of the desert. “The powerful are

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