February 5, 2011 in Science & Technology

HACK YOUTUBE COMMENTS … and other pranks! — Up All Knight #4

HACK YOUTUBE COMMENTS … and other pranks! — Up All Knight #4

** Links ** http://www.Facebook.com/VsauceGaming http://www.vanishd.com —- sorry, but it looks like you have to pay for it now 🙁 Arcade Fire HTML5 video: http://www.thewildernessdowntown.com/ Google Chrome Instructions: When using Chrome as your browser, right click on a page and select “Inspect Element.” What you get is a window containing the page’s HTML. Click the magnifying glass in that window (near the bottom left) and now mouse over elements on the page to see the code associated with them highlighted. NOW, mouse over the comment box and in the code window look for “onfocus.” Double click on it and paste this

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February 5, 2011 in Science & Technology

HACK YOUTUBE COMMENTS … and other pranks! — Up All Knight #4

HACK YOUTUBE COMMENTS … and other pranks! — Up All Knight #4

** Links ** http://www.Facebook.com/VsauceGaming http://www.vanishd.com —- sorry, but it looks like you have to pay for it now 🙁 Arcade Fire HTML5 video: http://www.thewildernessdowntown.com/ Google Chrome Instructions: When using Chrome as your browser, right click on a page and select “Inspect Element.” What you get is a window containing the page’s HTML. Click the magnifying glass in that window (near the bottom left) and now mouse over elements on the page to see the code associated with them highlighted. NOW, mouse over the comment box and in the code window look for “onfocus.” Double click on it and paste this

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